Once the Medical Review Team receives information regarding a medical condition, medication, or event that could impair an individual's ability to drive, they review that information. If any information is missing of unclear, MRS will contact the individual via letter. To see how the MRS team learns of these cases, please visit this page.
I have received a letter from the DMV Commissioner or Director of Driver Services, what does this mean?
These are system generated letters. They are sent out to provide advanced notice of pending actions that require your attention. These may include:
- A first-time notice that you must submit a Customer Medical Report;
- 60-Day reminder letter for customers on Periodic Review to submit an updated Medical Report; or
- A notice that the medical report submitted by your provider was approved.
I have received a letter from A Medical Review Evaluator, what does this mean?
This is a customized letter from an Evaluator that has reviewed your case and is providing you with specific guidance. For first-time Medical Review customers, this is the letter of particular significance for your provider, who will need to provide information that addresses the medical condition, medication, or event disclosed in this letter. Please note: not all scenarios will result in medical customers receiving a letter from an evaluator.
Important notes:
- If you are a customer on periodic review, please go to this page for more pertinent information
- If your system-generated letter conflicts with your custom letter, you may call the Medical Review Team for clarification at the following numbers:
- Telephone (Voice) 1-804-367-6203 or (Deaf/Hearing Impaired Only) 1-800-272-9268