- Objective: To ensure that motorcycle operators and their passengers meet standards which contribute to the safe operation of motorcycles and protection from injuries resulting from crashes.
- Examples of Fundable Components
- Training - Train riders, equipment, and management
- Public Information/Education - Media materials and personnel
- Examples of Program Evaluation Measures
- Motorcycle fatalities and injuries, motorcycle head injuries and fatalities.
- Motorcycle helmet usage.
- Type of education course, number trained for each educational program, and percent of target population trained.
- Number and types of materials distributed, frequency of distribution, public knowledge and attitudes about program, and number and percent of target population reached.
- Cost per motorcycle fatality/injury averted, cost per head injury and head injury fatality averted, cost per rider trained by program type, cost per type of public information/educational materials distributed.
Source: The Guidelines for the Submission of Highway Safety Grant Applications.