Use this transaction to update your residential, mailing or vehicle registration address with DMV.
DMV can store three different addresses:
Residence/Home Address - address where you actually live.
Virginia law requires you to provide a Residence/Home address and the city or county where you actually live. Do not enter a post office box for your residence address.
Note: Unless you provide a separate mailing address, this where any mail from DMV will be sent.
Mailing Address - address where you receive your mail, if different from your Residence/Home Address.
This address will appear on your DMV documents and credentials. Use this if you would like DMV to mail your DMV documents to an address other than your Residence/Home address.
Vehicle Registration Mailing Address - address where your vehicle(s) are located.
If you want DMV to mail the vehicle registration renewal notice to an address different from your Mailing Address (which may also be your Residence/Home address), you may provide a different address for the specific vehicle. Do not enter this address for your Residence/Home or Mailing addresses.
Note: If you own a vehicle that is not located at your residence, provide the garage location (town, city or county) for that vehicle. You do not have to change any address in order to update the garage location if you do not want mail sent to the vehicle’s location.
If you change either your residence/home address or mailing address to a non-Virginia address, your driver’s license will be cancelled. Exceptions may be made for some individuals such as active duty military personnel and Virginia residents employed outside of Virginia.
Currently have a non-Virginia address and want to change to a Virginia address?
You must make an appointment to visit a customer service center and bring proof of your Virginia residence.
Voter Registration
While updating your address, you have an opportunity to apply to register to vote, or if already registered, change your voter registration address. If you are unsure of your voter registration status, you can check the Department of Elections website before you begin.