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Virginia Driver School/Driver Improvement Clinic License Payment Authorization

Use this form for payment authorization for driver training school or driver improvement clinic transactions.
DTS 101 English Transportation Safety

Virginia Fuels Tax Notice of Tax Payment Default

Licensed suppliers or providers of alternative fuel use this form to report to report tax payment.
FT 214 English Fuels Tax

Fuels Tax Refund Application for Fuel Used in Diesel Vehicles

Use this form to apply for a refund of the Va fuels tax on diesel fuel used in a diesel passenger car, a pickup or panel truck or a truck with a gross vehicle wt of 10,000 lbs or less
FT 226 English Fuels Tax

Assignment of Securities in Lieu of Surety Bond

Customers use this form to submit collateral (certificate of deposit) in lieu of a bond.
FT 459 English Fuels Tax

Fuels Tax Bond

Customers use this form to submit collateral (bond) in lieu of a certificate of deposit.
FT 462 English Fuels Tax

Fuel Inspection Notice

This publication describes the Virginia Fuels Tax Act and use of dyed diesel fuel.
LE 444 English Fuels Tax

Application for Fuels Tax Refund

Use this form to apply for a refund of the Virginia Fuels Tax.
TS 216 English Fuels Tax

Agriculture and Horticulture Fuels Tax Refund Application

Use this form to apply for a refund of the Virginia Fuels Tax on fuel used for agriculture or horticulture.
TS 216A English Fuels Tax

Fuels Tax Refund Application for Fuel Used in Boats or Watercraft

Use this form to apply for a fuels tax refund on fuel used in boats or watercraft.
TS 217 English Fuels Tax

Itemized Statement of Bulk Storage Fuel Used

Use this form to document all fuel withdrawn from bulk storage.
TS 218 English Fuels Tax