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Harvest Permit Application

Use this form to apply for a permit to operate a vehicle with out-of-state license plates in Virginia while under contract to harvest and/or haul crops to a storage house, packing plant, market or transportation terminal: - as an incidental part of harvesting operations - not to exceed a distance of 20 miles and - when the use is a seasonal operation

MCS 148 English Motor Carrier

Virginia TNC Insurance Certificate

Use this form to certify TNC Insurance Coverage.
MCS 306 English Motor Carrier

Virginia Notice of TNC Insurance Cancellation

Use this form to notify DMV of TNC Insurance Cancellation.
MCS 307 English Motor Carrier

Virginia TNC Broker Insurance Certificate

: Use this form to file proof of Virginia TNC Broker Insurance.
MCS 310 English Motor Carrier

Virginia Notice of TNC Broker Insurance Cancellation

Use this form to notify DMV of Cancellation of Virginia TNC Broker Insurance.
MCS 311 English Motor Carrier

Individual Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Report

Use this form to record mileage and fuel used for a trip or day of activity for a single vehicle.

MCTS 270 English Motor Carrier

Virginia IRP and/or Fuel Trip Permit, Application for

Use this form to apply for a Virginia IRP and/or Fuel Trip Permit.
MCTS 271 English Motor Carrier

Vehicle Monthly Trip Recap

Use this form to record mileage and fuel information for each trip completed during the month. Photocopy form as needed.
MCTS 272 English Motor Carrier