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Vital Records at DMV

This DMV 269 publication provides information about purchasing vital records at DMV.
DMV 269 English Other

Moving Truck Flyer

Information about hiring properly licensed moving companies
DMV 272 English Motor Carrier

Internal Audit

This DMV 273 publication describes the function of Internal Audit.
DMV 273 English Other

Converting a Manufactured Home to Real Property

This publication provides the information needed to convert manufactured homes to real property and to sever/detach manufactured homes from real property.
DMV 276 English Other

Transportation Network Companies - A Guide to Operating in Virginia

This publication is a guide for transportation network companies interested in operating in Virginia or licensed to operate in Virginia.
DMV 277 English Motor Carrier

Transportation Network Companies - A Guide for TNC Drivers in Virginia

This publication describes guidelines for transportation network company drivers operating in Virginia.
DMV 278 English Motor Carrier

Transportation Network Companies - A Guide for Law Enforcement in Virginia

This publication provides an overview of Virginia’s transportation network company law for law enforcement officers.
DMV 279 English Motor Carrier

Executive Order 50

This publication explains the Governor’s Executive Order 50 which bans open-carry firearms in executive branch agency facilities.
DMV 284 English Other

Special Identification Cards for State and Local Government Agencies and Organizations

This publication provides information on special identification cards for employees in state and local governments.
DMV 285 English Other

Changes to Virginia's Property Carrier Laws

This publication provides an overview of changes to Virginia's property carrier laws, effective January 1, 2018.
DMV 297 English Motor Carrier