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This publication describes the mission-purpose of DMV and its core values.
DMV 304 English Other

Preferred Services Flyer

This publication describes DMV preferred service options (Internet, telephone, mail and DMV Select offices).
DMV 32 English Other

VA Automobile Liability Insurance Reporting Requirements

This publication provides insurance companies with information necessary to comply with § 46.2-706.1 of the Code of Virginia which requires liability insurance information to be furnished to DMV electronically.
DMV 72 English Other

Manufacturer and Distributor License Application for Initial License or Renewal

Motor vehicle dealers, manufacturers, distributors and auctioneers use this form to apply for an initial license or renew an existing license.

DSD 10 English Dealer

Salvage Dealer, Demolisher, Rebuilder... Appl.

Salvage vehicle dealers, demolishers, rebuilder salvage pools and vehicle removal operators use this form to apply for an initial license or renew an existing license.

DSD 10-A English Dealer

Mobile Demolisher Permit of Operation, Application

Vehicle demolishers use this form to apply for a 15-day permit to allow the operation of demolisher equipment at a site other than the location specified on the demolisher license.
DSD 11 English Dealer

Permission to Use Dealer's License Plates

A licensed dealer issues this form to a person (customer or Dealer Authorized Individual) as authorization to use dealer's license plates for a specified period of time and purpose.
DSD 27 English Dealer

Permit to Use Dealer or Temporary Transport Plate on Trucks or Tractor Trucks

Motor vehicle dealers use this form to permit bona fide prospective purchasers or their authorized agent to use a dealer or transport plate on trucks or tractor trucks - that may be laden - for a specified period of time or mileage.
DSD 27-A English Dealer

Permission to Use Drive Away License Plates

Motor vehicle dealers use this form to request permission for a prospective buyer to use a financial institution's drive-away license plates to test drive a vehicle.
DSD 27-B English Dealer

Dealer Request for DMV Forms

Motor vehicle dealers use this form to order DMV forms.

DSD 36 English Dealer