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Contact Information for Vital Statistics

This publication lists contacts to obtain a certified copy of a birth certificate.
CSMA 01 English Other

Customer Concern Report

A DMV customer uses this form to express concerns about groups outside of DMV facilities.
CSMA 14 English Other

Electronic Birth Certification Request – Not Born in Virginia

Customers born in a U.S. state (excluding Virginia) use this form to request an electronic certification of a birth if they do not have a paper birth certificate when applying for a Virginia Driver's License (DL) or Identification Card (ID).

DL 80 English Other

Electronic Birth Certification Request – Born in Virginia

Customers born in Virginia (from 1912 to the present) use this form to request a Virginia birth certificate.
DL 81 English Other

Virginia Vital Record Application - Marriage/Divorce/Death Certificate

Customers use this form to provide information for the Virginia Department of Health, Division of Vital Records (VDH) to certify/produce a Virginia death, marriage or divorce certificate.
DL 82 English Other

DMV Guide for Familiy Members and Friends of the Recently Deceased

This publication provides information for settling the vehicle and driver's license records of recently deceased family members and friends.
DMV 105 English Other

Re-establishing Your VA Residency/Qualifying for a VA Address...

This publication provides information on changing your address to a Virginia address, and qualifying for a Virginia address requirement exception. If you currently have a non-Virginia address, you must have a Virginia address to continue holding your driver's license or photo ID card.

DMV 143 English Other

Virginia is Tough on Drunk and Drugged Drivers

This publication defines and describes penalties for operating a motor vehicle, boat or water craft while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Other related alcohol offenses are also described.
DMV 168 English Other

Virginia es MUY ESTRICTA con los conductores borrachos y drogados

This publication defines and describes penalties for operating a motor vehicle, boat or water craft while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Other related alcohol offenses are also described (Spanish translation).

DMV 168s Spanish Other

What Can I Do Online?

This publication lists online transactions available at the DMV website.
DMV 173 English Other