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Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Application

Use this form to apply for a commercial driver's license or commercial learner's permit.

DL 2P English Driver

Supplemental Driver’s Licensing History (for CDL Applicants)

A Commercial Driver License (CDL) applicant transferring to Virginia from out-of-state uses this form to record all driver's licenses issued in the past 10 years. Applicants for a CDL renewal or reissue complete this form only if a driver's license history check has not been previously performed.
DL 2PA English Driver

Identification Card Application for Minors Under Age 15

Minors under age 15 use this form to apply for an identification card.
DL 5 English Driver

Identification Card Application for Minors Under Age 15

Minors under age 15 use this form to apply for a Virginia Identification Card.
DL 5 English Driver

Report of Disabled Parking Plate/Placard Violation

Employees, police officers and customers use this form to record information about disabled parking plates/placards violations.

DL 514 English Driver

National Driver Register File Check - Employer Request

Employers use this form to request a National Driver Register (NDR) file check on a current or prospective employee.
DL 55 English Driver

National Driver Register File Check - Individual Request

Use this form to request a National Driver Register (NDR) file check on yourself and obtain a copy of the record if one exists.
DL 56 English Driver

Emergency Contact Application

Use this form to add, change or delete emergency contact information on your driver's license or identification card record. This information is only accessible to DMV and law enforcement.
DL 569 English Driver

Exchanging a Driver's License from a Foreign Country

Use this form to request an exchange of a valid driver's license from certain foreign countries for a Virginia driver's license.
DL 7 English Driver

Hazmat Endorsement Background Record Check

Use this form to apply for a hazardous materials endorsement (hazmat) background check. This formcollects information required by the Transportation Security Administration.
DL 70 English Driver