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Title VI Complaint Allegation

The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) rejects discrimination in all of its programs and activities. Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and related non-discrimination authorities prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, low income, or limited English proficiency. Use this form to record any allegation or allegations of discrimination. The information you provide allows us to process your complaint.
LGL 001 English Driver

Notification of Deactivated Motor Carrier Fleet

Use this form if you have deactivated the registration of all vehicles used to perform a service authorized by a DMV certificate or permit that you want to keep.
MCS 130 English Driver

Disabled Parking Plates or Placard Application

Persons with disabilities use this form to apply for a disabled parking placard or disabled parking license plates.

MED 10 English Driver

Institutional/Organizational Disabled Parking Placard Application

Use this form to apply for institutional/organizational disabled parking placards.
MED 11 English Driver

Disability Parking Application Information

This publication provides information concerning disabled plates and placards for persons who have a temporary or permanent disability that limits or impairs their ability to walk or creates a safety concern while walking.

MED 12 English Driver

Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Skill Performance Evaluation Certificate Application

Use this form to apply for the Federal SPE Certification Program
MED 13 English Driver

Skill Performance Evaluation Certificate Application (Grand Fathered)

Grandfathered Virginia commercial driver's license (CDL) applicants with missing or impaired limbs use this form to apply for a Skill Performance Evaluation Certificate.
MED 13GF English Driver

Customer Medical Report

Use this form to request medical information from your physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner.

MED 2 English Driver

Sun-Shading Medical Authorization Application

Use this form to apply for a sun-shading medical authorization or to add additional vehicle(s) to an existing sun-shading medical authorization.
MED 20 English Driver

Sun-Shading Removal Certification

Use this form to report the removal of sun-shading from a vehicle and request a new registration card without the sun-shading notation.
MED 21 English Driver