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Driver Licensing Information for Bioptic Telescopic Lens Wearers

This publication provides driver licensing information for bioptic telescopic lens wearers.
MED 44 English Driver

Missing Or Impaired Limb Assessment For Non-commercial Drivers

Use this form to request medical information from your physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner.
MED 8 English Driver

Medical Fitness for Safe Driving

This publication describes the reporting and review process of individuals who may have health or medical.

MED 80 English Driver

Medical Fitness FAQs

Provides answers to frequently asked questions about the medical review process.
MED 80A English Driver

Zoning Compliance

Use this form to verify that your business is being operated from a properly zoned address.
OA 139 English Motor Carrier

Operating Authority Certificate Application for Common Carriers of Passengers

Use this form to apply for or change existing authority to operate as a Common Carrier over Regular Routes or Irregular Routes in Virginia.

OA 141 English Motor Carrier

For-Hire Intrastate Operating Authority Permit Application

Use this form to apply for or change your existing for-hire intrastate operating authority type
OA 142 English Motor Carrier

Intrastate Operation of Rental Vehicle Authorization Appl.

Motor carriers use this application to obtain authorization to use rental vehicles.
OA 143 English Motor Carrier

For Hire Intrastate Op. Authority Cert., Lic, or Permit Ren. Appl.

Motor carriers use this form to renew their Intrastate Operating Authority Certificate, License and/or Permit(s)and provide business operations information.
OA 144M English Motor Carrier

Operating Authority Certificate or License Application

Use this form to apply for or change your existing authority to operate as a carrier within Virginia for certain authority types.

OA 150 English Motor Carrier