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Retired Agent Application for Identification Card and Authorization to Carry a Concealed Handgun

Retired and retiring sworn members of the DMV Law Enforcement Division use this form to request (1) issuance of a retired law-enforcement officer photo identification card; (2) authorization to carry a concealed handgun pursuant to VA Code § 18.2-308.016(A); and/or (3) authorization to carry a concealed handgun in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §926(C).
LE 28 English Driver

DMV Law Enforcement Division Citizen Complaint or Comment

Use this form to submit complaints, comments, or compliments regarding the conduct of law-enforcement officers or non-sworn.

LE 70 English Driver

Title VI Complaint Allegation

The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) rejects discrimination in all of its programs and activities. Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and related non-discrimination authorities prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, low income, or limited English proficiency. Use this form to record any allegation or allegations of discrimination. The information you provide allows us to process your complaint.
LGL 001 English Driver

For-Hire Vehicles Registration Request

Use this form to confirm your operating authority certificate/permit status OR to request verification of operating authority certificate/permit status when applying for vehicle registration and license plates: (1) for passenger carrying or property carrying vehiclesbeing registered under another person's operating authority, or (2) when the passenger or property carrying vehicle is used inexempt operations.

MCS 115 English Motor Carrier

Motor Carrier Motor Vehicle Lease Agreement

Use this form to execute a formal lease agreement per Virginia Code §§ 46.2-2001 and 46.2-2155 between a lessor (vehicle owner) and a lessee (owner of operating authority certificate or permit).

MCS 116 English Motor Carrier

Notification of Deactivated Motor Carrier Fleet

Use this form if you have deactivated the registration of all vehicles used to perform a service authorized by a DMV certificate or permit that you want to keep.
MCS 130 English Driver

Harvest Permit Application

Use this form to apply for a permit to operate a vehicle with out-of-state license plates in Virginia while under contract to harvest and/or haul crops to a storage house, packing plant, market or transportation terminal: - as an incidental part of harvesting operations - not to exceed a distance of 20 miles and - when the use is a seasonal operation

MCS 148 English Motor Carrier

Virginia TNC Insurance Certificate

Use this form to certify TNC Insurance Coverage.
MCS 306 English Motor Carrier

Virginia Notice of TNC Insurance Cancellation

Use this form to notify DMV of TNC Insurance Cancellation.
MCS 307 English Motor Carrier

Virginia TNC Broker Insurance Certificate

: Use this form to file proof of Virginia TNC Broker Insurance.
MCS 310 English Motor Carrier