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Virginia Commercial Driver Training Certificate Instructions

Use this document as a guide for completing the Virginia Commercial Driver Training Certificate (DTS-A)
DTSA I English Driver

Virginia Driver Training Certificate Instructions

Use this document as a guide for completing the Virginia Driver Training Certificate (DTS B)
DTSB I English Driver

Virginia Driver Training School Certification of Completion - Instructions

Use this document as a guide for completing the Virginia Driver Training School Certificate of Completion (DTS-C)
DTSC I English Driver

Virginia Driver Training Completion Certificate - Adult Waiver Instructions

Use this document as a guide for completing the Virginia Driver Training Completion Certificate – Adult Waiver (DTS D)
DTSD I English Driver

Virginia Driver Training Instructions CDL Re-Examination Certificate (DTS E)

Use this document as a guide for completing the Virginia Driver Training Re-examination Certificate.(DTS-E).
DTSE I English Driver

Home Schooled In-car Driver Education Parental Auth.

A parent/guardian who meets the requirements for home school instruction uses this form to apply for authorization for home-schooled in-car driver education.
HS 1 English Driver

Home Schooled In-car Driver Education Information Sheet

This info sheet provides information to the parent or legal guardian who meets the requirements for home school instruction and who elects to provide in-car driver education instruction to his or her own child.

HS 3 English Driver

Virginia International Registration Plan (IRP) New Account Application

Use this application to create a new Virginia IRP Account.

IRP 1A English Motor Carrier

Virginia International Registration Plan (IRP) Supplemental Application

Use this application to make changes to your Virginia IRP Account.

IRP 1B English Motor Carrier

DMV Law Enforcement Investigation Request

Use this form to report incidents requiring DMV Law Enforcement attention, such as suspicious activity related to motor vehicles, driver licensing, fuels taxes, motor vehicle dealer transactions, DMV transactions, or property/passenger carrier operations, etc.

LE 22 English Driver